Chiang Mai Curry (Geng Hanlay Guy)

>> Dienstag, 7. Dezember 2010

Chiang Mai Curry

Preparation time: 7 minutes
Cooking time: 7-8 minutes

Chiang Mai Curry:

1 person4 personsIngredients:
100 g400g chicken - chopped into 2 cm chunks
1 teaspoon4 teaspoonsChiang Mai curry paste
1/2 teaspoon2 teaspoonssweet black soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon2 teaspoonsPalm sugar
1 tablespoon4 tablespoonsSoy Sauce
1 teaspoon4 teaspoons Chinese ginger slices - slice across root into 1/2 cm x 3-4 cm
10 g40 groasted ground peanuts
1 teaspoon4 teaspoons Chiang Mai curry powder
11/2 tablespoons6 tablespoonsoil
2 tablespoons8 tablespoonstamarind juice - put 3-4 or 12-16 tamarind seed, into 2 or 8 tablespoons hot water
6 tablespoons240 mlwater


  1. Put chicken, curry paste, black soy sauce, Chiang Mai curry powder, palm sugar, soy sauce and ginger in a bowl and mix well. Marinate about 1-2 hours (4-5 hours is better).
  2. Heat oil in wok and fry the marinated chicken for about one minute.
  3. Add water.
  4. Add tamarind juice and cook at a low heat until I the mixture becomes drier and thickens, about 4-5 minutes.
  5. Add roasted peanuts, fry for a further 45 seconds on low heat.
  6. Turn off heat and serve with steamed rice

For vegetarians

Instead of chicken, add a combination of any of the following ingredients. up to 100 g per person:

  • fresh pumpkin - peeled and cut into 1/2 cm by 3 cm pieces
  • cooked potato - peeled and cut into 1/2  cm by 3 cm pieces
  • firm tofu - cut into 1/2 cm by 2 cm pieces.

Chiang Mai curry powder

Chiang Mai curry powder is made up of equal quantities of cumin, coriander and mace powders. Yellow Curry powder may be substituted instead of Chiang Mai curry powder.

Chiang Mai Curry Paste:

(Enough for four persons. Will keep in the refrigerator for up to three months.)
50 gSiamese ginger - skin removed and chopped
1 stalklemongrass - use only the lower third or the plant
1 teaspoonsalt
2 tablespoonsred onions - finely chopped
1 tablespoongarlic - peeled and crushed
1 teaspoonturmeric - skin removed and chopped
3large red. dried chillies - remove seeds and soak in water for at least 10 minutes
Put all ingredients for the paste in a mortar and pound them using a pestle, or liquidise for about ten minutes until the paste is smooth.

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